Management Degree Program in China - Administration Management

 1. Introduction

Administration Management is a kind of management activity that uses state power to manage social affairs. It also refers to the administrative affairs management of all enterprises. Administrative management system is a kind of organization system. It is an important subsystem of social system.

The most generalized definition of administrative management refers to the social activities of all social organizations and groups in the governance, management and execution of the relevant affairs. At the same time, it also refers to the implementation of national political objectives, including legislation, administration, justice, etc. The definition of narrow sense refers to the management of public affairs by state administrative organs, also known as public administration.

With the development of society, objects of public administration have been increasingly widespread, including economic construction, cultural education, municipal construction, social order, public health, environmental protection and other aspects. Modern public administration uses system engineering ideas and methods to reduce the spending and waste of manpower, material resources, financial resources and time, to improve the efficiency of administrative management.

2. Characteristics

1) All administrative activities are directly or indirectly connected with the state power, and the state power is the basis.

2) Administrative management is the organization activity according to the national laws to conduct government affairs, which initiatively participates in and affects the national legislative and political decision making in the implementation, the development of policy is an important way of administrative management.

3) The administrative management not only manages the public affairs of the society, but also performs the political function of the class rule.

4) Administrative management should pay attention to the effectiveness and efficiency of management. It achieves predetermined state tasks and the social effects in the best way through planning, organization, command, control, coordination, supervision and reform.

5). Public administration is a specific field of practical activities that human transform society; it has its own objective development law.

3. Types

1) National economic management

This is the management conducted by state administrative organs on social and economic life, including industry, agriculture, transportation, finance, commerce, trade, environmental protection and public utility management.

2) Culture and education management

Including education, science and technology, culture, health, sports and other business management

3) Administration of justice

Including public security, transportation, fire protection, border management, and law, notarial affairs, labor prison management etc

4) Administration of civil affairs

Including social relief, social welfare, special care and placement management etc

5) Foreign Affairs

Including diplomatic activities, foreign economy and trade, foreign cultural exchanges, international tourism activities and other management

4. Functions

From the process of administrative management, it mainly has four basic functions.

1) Plan

Including the development of plans, issued instructions, to make decisions, arrangements, etc.

2) Organization

Put the plan and decision that has already been set into practice. Organization activities also include the establishment of institutions, adjustment and effective use of personnel selection, deployment, training and assessment.

3) Coordination

Through the policies, laws and various specific measures, and constantly improve and adjust the relationship between the organization, personnel, and activities The clear division of labor, close cooperation, the same pace achieve the predetermined target.

4) Control

Function of supervision and inspection, through the analysis of statistical data and real-time information, such as personnel, organization, and finance and so on.

5. Administrative Organization

Administrative organization is the main body of administrative activity, and it is the substance bearer that the administrative management activity can launch. All the activities in the administrative process are based on the administrative organization.

Effective administrative leadership, reasonable personnel administration, feasible administrative decisions, effective administrative supervision, smooth administrative communication and harmonious administrative coordination, all depend on scientific and reasonable administrative organization.

As a result, the administrative organization is always one of the most basic problems in administrative science, and has always been the focus of the research of the government and administration of all countries.

Public administration studies the administrative organization from the narrow sense. The administrative organization in the narrow sense refers to the entity of the government organization which is established according to certain legal procedure and exercises the state administrative power and manages the social public affairs.

Static administrative organization structure

Dynamic administrative organization process

Ecological administrative organization environment

Mental administrative organization consciousness

Essential factors

Material elements: personnel, funds, material conditions

Spiritual elements: organizational objectives, rights and responsibility structure, interpersonal relationships


Class nature, sociality, service, authority, legality, system

6. Research Content

1) The general theory of administrative management

Public administration is a comprehensive and applied science, the administrative environment and administrative function is the basis and foundation of the administrative activities.

2) The main body of administrative management

Administrative organizations and institutions, administrative leaders and staff members who perform their duties

3) The process of administrative management

Administrative management is a process that consists of many parts and organic sectors. They mainly include administrative decision, administrative execution, administrative coordination, administrative information, and administrative supervision.

4) The guarantee of administrative management

Administrative process to be able to successfully run to achieve the desired results must be based on a series of safeguards. Mainly include: financial administration, administrative rule of law, administrative method, and administrative ethics.

5) The purpose of administrative management

Improving administrative efficiency is the starting point and the end result of administrative management and administrative reform is the only way to improve administrative efficiency.

7. Training Objectives

Senior compound and application-oriented talents with the administration, management, political science, law, economics and other aspects of knowledge, can engage in administrative management, policy research, planning and management, foreign exchange, promotion planning, organization management, personnel management, senior secretary work in the field of government organs, social organizations and other public management. It requires students to accept the administrative management system training, management, political science, economics, law and other aspects of knowledge, with a higher management, management, planning, research, communication, etc.

8. Enterprise

Enterprise administration is a concept which is produced by the combination of enterprise management and administration. It refers to a series of measures and plans to rely on the administrative organization of the enterprise and to manage the enterprise in accordance with the administrative channels.

1). Establish a correct guide, accurate evaluation and appropriate incentives to combine the incentive mechanism.

2). Implement and improve the administrative heads of responsibility system.

3). Rationally select and design administrative organizations.

4). Select excellent administrative personnel.

9. Training Requirements

Administrative management students mainly study basic theory and basic knowledge of public administration, political science, management science, law, administration theory research, public policy analysis, social survey and statistics, document writing and office automation and other aspects of basic training, administrative management ability and scientific research ability.

10. Core Ability

Ability to analyze and solve practical problems in administrative management

11. Main Courses

Administrative management, the municipal administration, sociology, administrative leadership and decision making, human resource development and management, organizational behavior, western economics, administrative law, social investigation and statistics, public policy analysis, national civil service system, administrative document writing, organs and office automation, government affairs practice, social survey practice, e-government practice, graduation practice and so on.

12. Employment Prospects

Graduates can engage in the state organs, social organizations and enterprises engaged for administrative work. Graduates are suitable to be engaged in the business administration departments, foreign-related economic management departments, economic supervision and inspection departments for policies and regulations research and practical work, schools, scientific research departments for teaching and scientific research, and medium-sized enterprises and enterprise groups for corporate management.


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Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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