Agriculture Degree Program in China - Botany

1. Introduction

Botany studies the morphology, taxonomy, physiology, ecology, distribution, occurrence, heredity, evolution of plants and so on. The purpose is to develop, utilize, transform and protect plant resources, so that plants provide more food, fiber, medicine, building materials and so on. Due to the current most of the data are still using a binary classification method, so in general botany can also points to plant taxonomy, plant morphology, plant anatomy, embryology, plant physiology and science, plant ecology and plant pathology, plant geography, etc.

2. Research Areas

1) Morphological studies the structure and shape of the plant (from the cell to the organ at each level). Branch disciplines include cytology, anatomy, histology, reproductive morphology, experimental morphology, etc..

2) Physiology studies plant functions, closely related with biochemistry and biophysics.

3) Ecology studies the interaction between organisms and the environment, and in some aspects of physiology and physiology.

4) Systematics studies the identification and classification of plants.

3. Micro Botany

Botany research in 20th century, on the one hand, goes to micro, tries to reduce a variety of activities of the plant, the transformation of material, energy and information to cellular level and molecular level, and even electronic level, and create a "cell engineering, genetic engineering and other methods in order to multiply rapidly and the creation of new varieties of plants. On the other hand, especially since 70s, the trend of macro, research "environmental protection", "ecological engineering" and other issues, and even expands to the composition of the earth's biosphere and its regulation and control research, etc.. So today's botany has been developed to include a number of branches of the knowledge system. Since 70s, it is often called plant biology.

4. Program Branches

1) Plant taxonomy and plant systems science

2) Plant morphology

3) Plant physiology

4) Plant genetics

5) Plant ecology

6) Plant chemistry

7) Plant resources science

8) Molecular botany

5. Training Objectives

Master the basic theory, systematic professional knowledge and modern experimental technology of botany; understand the development tendency of the direction of the research; able to be independent in the field of research and experimental technique in the direction of their research, with ability of scientific research project application and publishing papers on academic journals.

6. Research Directions

1). Mycorrhizal biology and biotechnology

2). Plant diversity and system evolution

3). The sustainable utilization of Chinese medicinal resources

4). Resource plant chemistry

5). Plant molecular biology


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