Management Degree Program in China - Customs Administration

 1. Introduction

The customs belongs to the state administrative organ, it is the supervision and administration organ of the state in entry and exit, and the supervision and administration of the customs are national administrative law enforcement activities. The task is to supervise the inbound and outbound transport means, cargo, baggage, postal articles and other goods, collect customs duties and other taxes and fees, check smuggling, and compile customs statistics and other customs operations. Customs administration aims to cultivate high-quality practical talents who can meet the needs of the development of foreign trade, with innovation spirit, practice ability, the ability to communicate and customs management skills.

2. Power of Customs

1) Administrative examination and approval authority

2) The right to levy taxes and fees

3) The right of administrative examination

4) Administrative coercive power

5) The right of administrative punishment

6) Other powers

The basic principles of the exercise of the power of customs: legal, appropriate, independent exercise of the law, to be protected according to the law.

3. Training Objectives

To cultivate senior application-oriented management personnel with the basic knowledge and skills of management, economy, law and customs management, understand the foreign trade, can be engaged in customs, foreign trade business and related work.

4. Core Abilities

Modern customs management and service skills, foreign trade business management and operation skills.

5. Main Courses

International trade practice, international finance, foreign economic law, international commercial law, tax principle, tariffs theory and practice, customs regulations, the customs information system, customs commodity processing, customs statistics, customs inspection, international customs organizations and treaties, the world trade organization, customs investigation, practice under the supervision of the customs, customs practices, foreign trade enterprise research, graduation thesis, etc.

6. Training Courses

Social investigation, consulting services, customs supervision site understanding practice, customs management practice and professional practice and customs information processing simulation operation and international logistics and customs declaration simulation training, product knowledge cognition practice and so on.

7. Training Requirements

The students mainly study basic theories and knowledge of modern market economic management, the modern management; familiar with the general operating rules of international economy and trade, have a basic knowledge of the related legal, commodity, accounting and customs information management; get to know the customs international conventions and practices; with the skills and techniques in the integrated use of knowledge to analyze and deal with the practical problems of customs business.

8. Employment Prospects

Management positions and technical positions in the customs, foreign trade enterprises.


2024 Admission is opening !

Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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