Engineering Degree Program in China - Internet of Things Engineering

1. Introduction

Internet of Things Engineering is a kind of interdisciplinary program involving basic knowledge of computer science, communication technology, electronic technology, measurement and control technology, management, and software development. Internet of things engineering trains senior engineering and technical personnel with the related theories, methods and skills of Internet of things and with broad professional knowledge in fields of communication technology, network technology, and sensor technology.

2. Training Requirements

Students with good mathematical and physical foundation in this program can master the related theory and application design method of Internet of things; have application ability of computer technology and electronic information technology; master the basic methods of document retrieval and data query.

3. Knowledge and Ability

1) Master related basic theoretical knowledge of computer science and technology;

2) Master basic methods of analysis and design of Internet of things engineering;

3). Understand the basic methods of literature retrieval and data query; has the ability to obtain information; has ability in scientific research and practical work;

4) Understand laws and regulations related to Internet of things engineering.

4. Studying Content

Internet of things engineering has basic courses and professional core courses and students in this program mainly study and research information flow, material flow, and methods and technique for energy flow interaction and mutual transformation, which has strong engineering practice characteristics.

5. Main Courses

Information and communication engineering, electronic science and technology, computer science and technology, introduction of Internet of things, circuit analysis basis, signals and systems, analog electronic technology, digital circuit and logic design, computer principle and interface technology, engineering electromagnetic field, principle of communication, computer network, modern communication network, sensor principle, embedded system design, principle of wireless communication, wireless sensor network, short-range wireless transmission technology, two-dimensional bar code technology, data acquisition and processing, Internet of things security technology, networking technology of Internet of things

6. Practical Teaching

Practice and graduation thesis design

7. Employment Prospects

Graduates can be engaged information dissemination work related to dissemination of information content; can also be engaged in communication technology work, such as design and production in the field of journalism and communication technology; can go into government departments, scientific research institutions, design institutes, consulting firms, construction companies, property and energy management enterprises, building energy-saving equipment and products manufacturing enterprises for researching, design, construction, operation, monitoring and management work.


2024 Admission is opening !

Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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