Lightning-proof Technology Program in China

1. Introduction

Lightning Protection Technology program trains senior engineering and technical personnel with good scientific literacy and knowledge of meteorology and lightning protection. These personnel can be engaged in work of audit, design, exploration, construction, testing, acceptance, budget and final accounts of lightning protection engineering; can be engaged in work of contact, product production and sales of lightning protection business.

2. Knowledge and Ability

With ability of audit, design, exploration, construction, testing, acceptance, budget and final accounts of lightning protection engineering.

3. Main Courses

Principle of lightning science, norms and regulations of lightning protection, design and construction of building lightning protection engineering, detection and acceptance of lightning protection device, engineering quota budget, lightning protection of signal system, lightning protection of computer room, computer CAD aided design, warning of lightning disaster, detection of lightning protection engineering

4. Practical Teaching

Teaching practice of lightning protection design, graduation practice, graduation design

5. Employment Prospects

Graduates can be engaged in lightning protection work in meteorological department, lightning protection company, power supply department, communication department, large factories, and aerospace department.


2024 Admission is opening !

Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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