Engineering Degree Program in China - Transportation Planning

1. Introduction

Transportation Planning includes line planning, station location and design and allocation of traffic flow. The general methods includes determination of planning objectives, clearing the main problems, proposing a variety of programs, selecting optimal scheme and plan implementation.

2. Studying Content

1) Survey of transportation system status includes survey of starting point and destination of trip by partitioning demarcation; includes survey of traffic facilities, not only studies fixed road facilities, but also understand public transport and private transportation; includes survey of land using.

2) Problems diagnosis in the traffic system.

3) Development and forecasting of traffic demand in transportation system.

4) Design and optimization of traffic system planning.

5) Comprehensive evaluation of traffic system planning.

6) Planning and implementation of planning scheme of traffic system.

7) Implementation of traffic system planning.

3. Steps of Transportation Planning

1) Set goals and objectives;

2) Investigate and collect information;

3) analyze the data and derive mathematical model;

4) Make predictions;

5) Work out a variety of planning scheme;

6) Test and evaluate planning scheme. 



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Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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