Fujian Medical University

Internship Hospitals - Fujian Medical University, China

Fujian Medical University has 4 directly affiliated hospitals, 12 non-directly affiliated hospitals and 32 teaching hospitals. A flawless net of clinical teaching and practical teaching base has been formed. The four directly affiliated hospitals are The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fujian Medical University Union Hospital and The Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Fujian Medical University. These affiliated hospitals provide international students with medical training and clinical rotation to lay the foundation for their qualification as a doctor after graduation.

Fujian Medical University Union Hospital
Fujian Medical University Union Hospital is a comprehensive hospital serving as a key center of healthcare, higher medicine education and scientific research. Located at the beautiful Yu Mountain, Fuzhou city, the hospital accommodates 2,200 patient beds with receving over 1.9 million out-patients, 80,000 in-patients and perfoming 70,000 operations annually. There are over 3,350 staff members in the hospital, including Nationally and Provincially Distinguished Specialists, etc. The hospital contains a complete range of clinical departments, of which 6 are National Clinical Key Specialties and 7 are Provincial Clinical Key Specialties and 12 are Key Subjects of Fujian Medical University. 
The hospital holds eleven provincial institutes and has carried out a lot of scientific research programs including “863 Program”, (National Programs for High Technology Research and Development), “973 Program”(National Programs for Major Basic Research and Development), National Natural Scientific Foundation, etc. Besides, the hospital has achieved two National Awards for Progress in Science and Technology and one for Natural Sciences as well as more than Provincial Awards for science and technology. Being a university hospital, it cultivates numerous excellent students pursuing PhDs and postgraduates in clinical medicine, medical imagery, pharmacy, nursing, etc. The hospital staff inherits the hospital spirit: strictness, refinement, diligence and devotion and provides best medical service for people wholeheartedly. The hospital has been awarded as ”Model of Hospital in China” and “the Best 100 Hospitals of China”, etc.
The Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Fujian Medical University
The Stomatological Clinics, which was the predecessor of the Hospital of Stomatology, was set up in 1986 for the sake of carrying out teaching programs and attracting the batch of dental students who had graduated from other famous Medical Universities. The Hospital was formally established and put into use in December 1997. It provides the best services to the community of Fujian.
For nearly 30 years’ developing, the School and Hospital has made remarkable achievements. The hospital has 158 dental chairs, 30 inpatient beds, 14 clinical departments as well as 7 administrative auxiliary departments. In our powerful academic team, 93.2% of staff hold bachelor degrees or above, 73.7% of them hold doctor or master degree. The amount of clinic patients nearly doubled from 2009 to 2012. On average, the Hospital sees about 24,000 patients annually. This is only one provincial specialized hospital in Fujian Province.
The final information is subject to the University If there is any discrepancy!