Xinjiang Medical University

Medical Overseas Students at Xinjiang Medical University, China

Education for overseas students in Xinjiang Medical University has seen great development. Xinjiang Medical University began to recruit overseas students in 1992. In 2001, they began to recruit undergraduate students abroad on a large-scale, most of whom came from Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Sudan, and Kazakhstan. Approximately 150 students are admitted every year. At present, 606 overseas students from 25 countries are studying for their bachelor’s, Master’s and doctorate degrees at Xinjiang Medical University.

In recent years, the scale and quality of international education of the school has been improving, Academic qualifications are recognized by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other countries, the influence of schools in the neighboring countries continue to strengthen. Xinjiang Medical University is the first batch of universities awarded the government scholarships to foreign students in China by Ministry of education, and was awarded as advanced group of international students education. In 2011, the school was approved to become the first batch of demonstration base of international education in Xinjiang autonomous regions.



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