Wuhan University School of Medicine

Cost for Study Medicine at Wuhan University School of Medicine, China

1. Accommodation Fee (per person per month):
Campus of Medicine:
No.6 Building: Single room: CNY 1000-1400/month
No.11 Building: Twin room: CNY 800/month/person
No. 7/8/9/10 Building: A flat with 2 twin rooms: CNY 600/month/person
2. Food Cost:  reference cost 1,000 CNY / month
3. Tuition Fee: 
Medical Bachelor / Undergraduate degree program in English Medium:
32,000 CNY/ YEAR, Details please read at Bachelor Degree Programs
Medical Master degree/ Postgraduate / PG degree programs in English Medium:
50,000 CNY/ YEAR, Details please read at Master Degree Programs
Medical Doctoral / PHD degree programs in English Medium:
varying from 45,000-55,000 CNY/YEAR, Details please read at Doctoral Degree Programs
4. Other Fees
Insurance: 600 CNY/year
Physical examination: Around 500 CNY
Textbooks: CNY 200-1000 per year
Students are required to pay fees by Chinese Currency to the university upon students’ arriving in China and registration at university by themselves or Telegraphic Transfer through bank in US Dollar (equal value CNY) to the university bank account. International students shall make up the amount if the Currency Exchange Rate difference or intermediate bank service charge causes deduction upon the student’s registration at the university.
The final information is subject to the University If there is any discrepancy!